Friday, 24 October 2014

Finally got round to painting some Alte Zeit figures .they still need reins so a bottle of wine will be in order or an old paint tube .I am working on a master for the officer and will hand cast some when I get it done .I have revised all my sculpting practices as I was not happy with the results so now I am using another material .Still making dozens of model railway figures and animals .my other affliction is painting flats .i used to paint these in the early eighties and sold them at kulmbach but I kept promising myself to restart so had to relearn a lot of techniques.The picture shows 30 mm work in progress on various types .Napoleon and his Staff figures are in oils and the rest in acrylics.Photos soon show ruthless deficiencies .

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

I didnt get much reaction to my first 7 years war figures sales wise and though I wasnt expecting to set the world on fire I expected a few more sales.I didnt get them probably due to not having full regiments for a wargame unit  and maybe too expensive .They cost me a lot to get cast .I have decided to change tack .I will make my first great love of military uniforms The kaiserzeit.The German Imperial Army before they started shooting at us .All in full parade uniform .I'll start with cavalry as I have a horse already  .Hussars or Dragoons probably .They will of course match Stadden size .In fact I have a set of his Kaiser General Staff and the are wonderful.
This takes me back to the seventies  when I made quite a few imperials when I was just starting out .In fact my first ever sculpt was Dragoon wachtmeister in 54 mm .I sold it and started a lonely path sculpting away .

Friday, 7 December 2012

Welcome to Alte Zeit blog about my embryonic range of 30mm figures .I have always liked Stadden and to a lesser extent Willie figures .In fact at one point in my life I painted figures for Ted Suren .I also made 30mm dioramas for Jock Coutts at Under Two flags ,a shop in London using Staddens and also flats .I love the action and animation of flats .I was  later was given a slab of AB putty by an American friend and started sculpting .at that time I was working at Seagull Models ran by Alex Campbell which was certainly an experience for both his customers and staff .Stadden was always my favorite sculptor .He always got a fine anatomy and balance without that squat dumpy look that so many sculptors end up doing.I even have one of his original water colours that I treasure .A lot of his work was ruined by Tradition and a lot of so called Stadden figures were sculpted by others not so good .
   After having a proper job in the record industry   I moved to Norfolk .I was selling my sculpts and working at various jobs and I was asked by Tradition Scandanavia to make some more 30 mm masters to go with the Stadden 30's that they had taken over .So I did a few Seven years war hussars and infantry .I stopped doing these but considered it unfinished business.Spencer Smith now sell these figures .I now sculpt mainly model railway figures ,In fact when I open a model railway magazine I see my figures lurking in every corner .I  also got involved in  model cars and motor sport so have a range of 1/43 motor racing type figures ,please see my website TRACKPASS
             A few years ago I started to sculpt a few Prussians for myself and Alte Zeit is the outcome .After a false start I am at last in business which is probably the wrong choice of word for these figures .Alte Zeit Figures are aimed at both the Diorama maker ,figure painter and wargamer .They dont have reins and you may need to add small detail like sword scabbards from a bit of flattened wire or plastic card
Kicking off with Seven Years war Prussians I also have some Landknechts in the pipeline.
thanks for looking